Happy New Year

A quick note to wish you all a Happy 2020. I hope that this year brings you joy.

It seems a bit odd to wish you that when the world seems to be in a bit of a crisis at the moment. I took the decision to stop actively listening to or watching the news in December. I realised that it was making me feel anxious and that just by listening to it all didn’t mean I could change anything. So I am taking a break from worrying about it all, instead focusing on what I can change. We are trying to reduce our energy use and waste fewer resources. We don’t throw much food away in this home, what we don’t eat the dogs or chickens normally can, and if not then it goes onto the compost pile. But I am trying to make sure that we have even less. We are lucky to have a farm locally that sells organic milk from a vending machine, so we can buy really delicious milk in a reusable glass bottle and help to support a farmer. I am also lucky to be able to buy organic grain from Mark and Liz Lea for our bread. Mark and Liz live just seven miles away and Mark features heavily in a really interesting series of podcasts by Farmerama Radio, Cereal. If you are at all interested in local food networks or bread making it makes for an interesting listen when you would otherwise be listening to the news.

I am trying to make small changes that will hopefully make a big difference to our family and our sense of happiness. I am grateful for the small things to find joy in, the red sky this morning was really something to behold and my sourdough starter is bubbling away ready for me to make a loaf later.

I am also incredibly lucky to have a job that I love, passing on my love of bread making and baking to others through Veg Patch Kitchen Cookery School. Next week will mark five years since my first class for paying customers. The time has flown by. Nothing makes me happier than hearing from someone to tell me that they are making bread regularly since taking a class with me and that it is making them feel happier and healthier.

So whatever resolutions you may have made or whatever 2020 brings I hope you can find joy and happiness in the small things each day and maybe pass on your love of baking to friends and family either by passing on your skills or making them a delicious cake to share.

Kath x

11 thoughts on “Happy New Year”

  1. Thanks Kath and all the best for 2020 (and beyond !). I was one of your earlier students and really appreciate the kickstart you gave me – I’m still baking bread regularly and trying to bake that perfect loaf ! While I love making sourdough loaves, your approach has allowed me to really appreciate a wide range of breads. Keep up the good work !

    1. Hi Tony, How lovely to hear from you, I remember you well. Thank you for your kind words, it means a great deal. I think we are all trying to bake that perfect loaf! Sometimes I get there, but there is a lesson in every loaf and that’s why I love it so much. Sending you very best wishes for a happy and bread filled 2020.

  2. I only discovered your site rather recently but I can still tell you how much we enjoy your recipes – so thank you! Wishing you a happy, healthy and successful 2020 😊.
    PS – relieved I am not the only one to feel that way about the news…

    1. Helen, thank you for that lovely message. If there were more hours in the day there would be more recipes posted here. I hope I can still manage a few this year, but there are plenty to work through. I hope you can focus on some of the good things and not the news.

  3. Having been incredibly politically active last year, I’ve now stopped. Completely. Doing small things that make a difference locally is my way forward , such as working with our Pay as you feel café, which aims to eliminate food waste. Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year to you Margaret. I think we all have political fatigue, the pay as you feel cafe sounds like a brilliant project to overcome the fatigue and make a difference. I hope it’s a great success at all levels.

  4. A slightly belated Happy New Year to you and your family.

    I have done more experimentation with my making process while getting through flours, and have invested in a few bits of additional kit since my day with you (loving the reduced yeast / longer proofing).

    See you later in the year I am sure,


  5. Happy New Year Kath. Congratulations on celebrating/marking five years since your first class for breadmaking paying customers-long may it continue. Yes the political climate is deeply depressing, sadly i think it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

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