
I would love to hear from you.  You can email me, kath(at)theordinarycook(dot)co(dot)uk, leave me a comment under a post or you can send me an email by using the form below.

5 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. thought i’d be the first to leave a comment !!

    the site looks great and the recipes even greater er (sic). i may even get my lovely wife to make some as soon as she’s finished the ironing !!

    have fun kath. cheers

  2. hi i have just joined this site looking for reciepes as i have a huge tree of damsons and every year they go to waste , as im a diabetic im looking for any reciepes without sugar or with sugar substitute .
    particulaly looking for ones with alchol ei :damson vodka but not sure on what to do about the sugar , and damson jam for my friend

    1. Hi Sharon, I am sorry but I really don’t know the answer to your question. You amy need to speak to a diabetic nutritionist about a possible substitute in both cases.
      I hope you find a solution. Best Kath

  3. Thank you for your response I know I can use a sugar substitute just wondered if it will make it taste strange or cloudy that kind of thing then the conversion, thats the hard part as sweetner is very light in powdered form

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