There are no recipes for this post, just a happy report on a brilliant new addition to my kitchen. It’s my birthday today and this is what Mr OC got for me:
Yippee, hooray! Have you ever seen such a thing of beauty?
I have coveted a KitchenAid for many a year and now I am the very happy owner of one. Tonight, I will definitely be dreaming of all the brilliant times that me and my KitchenAid will be sharing together.
I am one very happy Ordinary Cook!!!
Oh, Happy Birthday Kath and what a well deserved and excellent present – full marks to Mr OC. It looks so clean and shiny too. Do I take it you are now going to be producing an even greater number of edible delights?
Thank you Choclette, yes the old chap did very well!! I doubt very much it will stay that shiny, I intend to make it work to earn its keep.
Yayyyyy! I got the exact same one as a wedding present four years ago and it is truly my most beloved kitchen utensil. Happy Birthday! Happy cooking!
Thank you and I am sure it will be my most beloved kitchen utensil.
He is a great man!
I am very, very lucky.
A belated Happy Birthday.
Your husband did well, really well. Lot’s of brownie points for him now…………and well into the future……………..
Thank you Margaret, I know he did very well, but it’s worrying to have them ahead in the brownie point stakes.
Happy Birthday.
I am very jealous of your new arrival. It’s a lovely thing to get as a present; I’d be over the moon. Now if only I get Mrs VegBox to look at this just before my birthday….
Thank you VegBoxBoy. Hope she gets the hint..