Wholemeal Chocolate & Walnut Cake

I have made this cake for a course at Veg Patch Kitchen Cookery School tomorrow. I always make one or two cakes to welcome people with. We sit down for ten minutes at the start of every course and have a cup of tea and a slice of cake. It seems to me a very civilised way to start your day and I hope it gives people a sense that their day won’t just be filled with activity and learning but will also be relaxing and fun.

I have milled the flour fresh in my Komo table top mill, using Wakelyns YQ grain grown 5 miles away at Green Acres Farm in Kemberton but any wholemeal flour will work well. If you don’t have wholemeal then you can make a lighter cake using plain white flour or you can substitute the wholemeal with spelt flour. Experiment and see which flour you prefer.

150g soft unsalted butter
75g caster sugar
75g dark brown sugar
pinch of salt
2 eggs
75g Greek yoghurt
100g dark chocolate, melted
75g wholemeal flour
25g cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
65g walnuts, chopped plus some to sprinkle on top

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius, gas mark 4, or use the baking oven of the four-oven Aga. Line a 20cm round cake tin.

Place the butter and sugar in a mixing bowl and beat until soft and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, blending in well before adding the second. Fold in the yoghurt, melted chocolate, flour, cocoa powder and baking powder. Fold in the walnuts. Spoon the cake batter into the cake tin and sprinkle over the extra walnuts to decorate. Place in the centre of the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes until it is firm on top and a few crumbs come out when you stick a skewer in. It will be a moist cake a bit like a brownie, but lighter and tender.

Wholemeal Chocolate & Walnut Cake