Concentrated mint sauce

To continue with the theme of mint…

Whilst I was picking the mint for the Shropshire Mint Cakes I picked enough to make a jar of concentrated mint sauce to make sure that we have some for our roast lamb this winter. Mary Berry, the source of this recipe, (although I have also found it in one of my Shropshire recipe books), suggests that you make this concentrate in June just before the mint flowers.  I never make it then, as winter seems so very far away and I always think about it but never get round to it.  But actually the mint in my garden flowers in June and then rejuvenates itself and flowers again in September and this year is still growing new shoots even now.

This mint sauce is made with the tender and strongly scented new tips.  I managed to pick 50g, which is a fair amount of mint in a bowl. But as you only need a teaspoon or so each time you make mint sauce, this will last me through the winter roasts until the new mint comes through next spring.  If you have plenty then double up and make a jar for a friend.  It will definitely be appreciated.

To use the concentrate in the winter.  Take a heaped teaspoon of the concentrate and mix in a bowl with a slosh of vinegar and it’s ready to douse your lamb.

50g mint sprigs
100ml vinegar (Mary Berry suggests distilled vinegar but I use white wine vinegar)
75g granulated sugar


Wash a jar and its lid well in soapy water, rinse in clean hot water and place in a low oven for 15 minutes to sterilise.

Place the vinegar and sugar in a pan and bring slowly to the boil (this will allow the sugar to dissolve before boiling point is reached).  Now you can either chop the mint leaves using a knife and then add to the hot vinegar or you can put the leaves in a food processor and add half the vinegar and pulse until finely chopped, then add to the rest of the vinegar (be careful with the hot vinegar).  Pour into the warm sterile jar and seal immediately.


34 thoughts on “Concentrated mint sauce”

    1. I was having just this discussion with my mum this weekend – mint sauce versus mint jelly – and we decided that the vinegar in mint sauce is definitely better to cut through the lamb. Mouth is now watering at the thought….

  1. Wasn’t quite expecting truffles to look like this, but I think I have an open mind 😉

    Mint sauce is such a good idea and yours looks great, it’s such a lovely green. Never mind the lamb, a spoonful would be nice in a stew or curry. What sort of mint do you use?

    1. Ha ha, I promise to blog the truffles tomorrow.
      I agree it does have more uses than just with lamb and I did think of you saying just that as I wrote this post. What sort of mint? Now you have asked me, but a quick look at Wiki suggests it is spearmint.

  2. I would never have thought to make mint sauce as a preserve. I need to try this next year. I always freeze my mint leaves for this, but the mint sauce is ready to go whenever you need it, great idea.

  3. I stumbled upon this super blog by accident, don’t know how I haven’t found it before. I was searching for mint sauce to make as I have gluten intolerance and it’s so much easier to make food myself than spend hours checking labels to see it it’s safe. I also love cooking, though haven’t much time at the moment, and my enthusiasm has been dampened somewhat by several gluten-free failures. Still I’m now getting the hang of it and finding that converting the simple ordinary recipes is the easiest route to success.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Gill. My sister is gluten intolerant so I can sympathise with how difficult it can be to find suitable food. I hope you come back to visit often.

  4. Blanche Martin

    Hi, can any one tell me if mint could be washed, dried and frozen so that it can be made up fresh when needed. Blanche.

    1. Hi Blanche,
      I have not ever tried freezing mint but I am sure it will work well. I have googled and found this advice:
      1. chop mint, place in an ice cube tray, top up with water and freeze. Defrost in a sieve when you want to use to remove the water.
      I hope this helps.

  5. Thanks for this very easy recipie and good use of lots of mint. Just one question. Do you keep the jar in the fridge or a cupboard? How long can you keep it for? Thanks!

    1. Apologies for the delay in replying Bronwen, we have been away. I keep mine in the cupboard and as long as you keep a layer of vinegar over the mint it will keep perfectly well until the new mint comes up next year and beyond. Enjoy it. Kath

  6. Hi, thanks for the mint recipe just making it as I write, I agree with the comment above, that mint jelly is just not good, this recipe reminds me of being a child and making this from my Dad’s allotment, this is my first year growing my own veggies and herbs and really enjoying it, thanks

    1. Hi Michelle, I am glad you found my recipe. You won’t be able to not grow veg every year now that you have tried it. It is addictive, the taste of home grown veg can’t be beaten. Enjoy it all. Best Kath

    1. Hi,
      I don’t know the answer to this as I have never tried freezing vinegar. However, the concentrate lasts for months in the jar so doesn’t need freezing. You can just freeze chopped mint if you would prefer to do that and then add it to your vinegar as and when you need it. I am not sure if this is of any help but I hope so. Kath

  7. I must disagree with those who have made adverse comments about mint jelly.It can be truly delicious, but it has to be made at home using mint and crab apples. i have a crab apple tree just so that i can have mint jelly. it’s really yummy on toast!

  8. i have found a recipe – finally – that works for mint sauce – have just cleaned out the herb patch for winter as the mint was dying down and made a batch immediately – i adore mint sauce on nearly everything – and dont like the bought varieties now because they have so many additives which are simply not necessary – this was so easy – its done and cooling but i will store mine in the fridge – all i need now is a very easy chilli sauce for when i dont want mint sauce -mmmm – home made food

  9. I added a piece of fresh ginger and blitzed the whole lot before adding to the vinegar and sugar. Its delish added to couscous with a few cooked peas and pomegranate seeds. Makes a lovely colourful and tasty salad.

  10. Thanks for this. I am seeking to live more sustainably and as part of that want to make the most of this year’s produce from every corner of our very modestly sized garden…mint sauce that keeps is an awesome idea! We don’t eat much meat so any ideas for things that go well with mint sauce would be helpful! Thanks again.

    1. Hi Charlotte, well I love mint sauce and would use it with lots of things. Delicious in a salad dressing in place of the vinegar. Lovely sprinkled over yogurt as an accompaniment to curries, add a bit of chopped cucumber and you have a raita. If you eat fish, it would go lovely with that. Sprinkled over new potatoes, too. Grill aubergine slices and dress with mint sauce and olive oil. I hope this helps. Kath

  11. This is a great way to use my triffid of a mint plant! Can I just ask when its done do I need to cover it with oil or vinegar or wax paper to protect the top? And to dilute it down again is it just vinegar to the right consistency? Thanks!

    1. Hi Rhonda, I also have a triffid mint plant. You don’t need to add anything extra to protect the top. If you have wax paper by all means use it, but it isn’t necessary. Yes, just dilute with vinegar to make mint sauce to suit the way you like it.

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