Stem Ginger Truffles

At Christmas Mr OC buys me a big box of chocolates – he knows how to keep me sweet.  He normally asks for mainly cherry chocolates – you see, he definitely knows how to keep me sweet.  This year the chocolate shop ignored his request. This was initially a bit disappointing as there was only one cherry chocolate in the box – horrors!  But as it turned out it was a good thing as I got to try every chocolate in their selection and a particular favourite was the chocolate coated crystalized ginger.

I knew I had to make some and soon.  I have a jar of stem ginger in syrup in the cupboard, so I decided to use this as the flavouring in my truffle recipe. I made them yesterday as a present for Mr OC.  They aren’t as beautiful as a shop bought truffle, but they are very tasty. One tip though – don’t leave them by a warm radiator before you give them to the lucky recipient, this only leads to disaster.  They are best kept in the fridge.  Oh well, lesson learned.

Makes about 20 truffles.

100g best quality dark chocolate
200ml double cream

60g stem ginger in syrup, chopped finely
25g caster sugar or cocoa powder to coat the truffle


Break the chocolate into small pieces or whizz to rubble in a food processor and place into a bowl.  Pour the cream into a small pan and heat to just below boiling point.  Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and leave for a minute and then stir until smooth.  Place in the fridge for about two hours until the mixture is thick enough to roll into truffles.  Add the chopped ginger to the mixture and stir well.

Now, you can roll teaspoonfuls of the mixture into small balls like I did yesterday, or you can shape them roughly into ball shapes using two spoons.  I think I like the rough and ready look a little better.  Take a look at my Cherry Truffles and see what you think.

Then coat the truffle in caster sugar or cocoa or even chopped nuts, whatever takes your fancy.  Store in the fridge and enjoy regularly.

Choclette recently made some gorgeous looking Ginger Chocolates so pop over and take a look at her lovely recipe.

16 thoughts on “Stem Ginger Truffles”

  1. I really love this idea. It sounds like a wonderful confection. I’ am new to your blog and have been browsing through some of your earlier entries. I really like the food and recipes you feature here. I”ll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings…Mary’

  2. Your truffles look totally delicious Kath and what a wonderful box to present them in too. Lucky Mr OC – assuming he actually got to try some 😉

    Can I ask you what chocolate you use? I often have trouble with my ganache splitting – I think G&B is particularly bad for that. Thank you for the mention.

    1. He did get to try one or two but I admit that I did snaffle the rest of them. Also the box was recycling his gift to me last year. See, the poor chap is not so lucky after all. I try not to buy G & B any more. I read your post about the recipe changing and realised that I had noticed a big difference in the quality. I tend to use Lindt 70%, which I think is my favourite reasonably priced bar of chocolate. I would love to say Vahlrona but my budget just doesn’t stretch to it. I have been trying some of the supermarket own brands recently and have found the Waitrose and Tesco 72% bars to be good, but not as good as Lindt. Divine has appeared in the cupboard recently as well because I like the ethics. But you always use more interesting bars than I do.

  3. Ha ha, I suspected as much. Thanks Kath. I’m not really that adventurous unless I’m given something. I tend to stick to G&B (even though it isn’t as good) and Divine, although I still have a block of Willie’s cocoa I bought on a whim one day ready to make his Cloud Cake.

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