Scones by Mangocheeks

Mangocheeks has a wonderful blog where she talks about what she has cooked, where she has travelled and what she is up to in her garden.  It is a very inspirational read with wonderful photos.  Well, this morning I took a quick look and found her latest post was about Apple and Blackberry scones and they looked absolutely delicious.

At the weekend I saved a couple of wasp eaten apples from the tree and was wondering what I could do with them.  I knew that I had to make these scones the minute I saw them.  I didn’t have any blackberries as there has been a bull in the field where I normally gather my blackberries so I substituted frozen blackcurrants.  The scones were deliciously light and very tasty.  I spread mine with butter and damson jam and invited my parents for a spontaneous lunch time treat.  The weather is having its last kick of the summer and so we had a very enjoyable time eating these in the garden with a cup of tea.  Thank you Mangocheeks.  If you would like the recipe pop over to visit Mangocheeks’ wonderful blog.

12 thoughts on “Scones by Mangocheeks”

  1. Another great recipe from MangoCheeks, but I do like your apple and blackcurrent combination. Was thinking about baking scones and inviting some folk over for tea as it’s my last couple of days of holiday – have apples, have blackcurrents in the freezer – might bakc.

  2. Just want to say it again. Thank you so, so much. I am so honoured and humbled by your lovely post. Thank you so much for sharing my blog with your readers and your kind words.

    I love your variation of your scones too. Isn’t it wonderful how recipes evolve from one cook to another. PS I do have some blackcurrants in my freezer, so who knows.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Lovely! (But I can’t be the only one who giggled at ” I didn’t have any blackberries as there has been a bull in the field ” can I? …. what a brilliant – and truly valid – reason for not having blackberries! )

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