I couldn’t decide what to call these little beauties –  Easter egg nests/ Crispie cakes/ Cornflake cakes?  Obviously the ones in the picture are crispie cakes (made with rice crispies), but they could just as easily be made with cornflakes and with it nearly being Easter they could be nests.  We made them (my three-year old and I) this afternoon, ready to take to school tomorrow so that they can be sold at the Easter Fayre.  I am not sure there will be many left though by that time, I keep noticing the box being opened and another sneaked away.  There are not many people that don’t love these cakes.  If I am making them for a party I make sure I make plenty as they are always the first cakes to go and are just as popular with adults as they are with children.
I sometimes make them more simply by melting a bar of Dairy Milk and then stirring in as many rice crispies or cornflakes as the chocolate will coat. However, I do have to plan ahead for this as I always have a cupboard full of 70% chocolate but have to purposefully buy Dairy Milk. Â I am afraid that my children love 70% chocolate as much as I do, I think this may be a result of the amount I consumed when I was pregnant and feeding them.
They are very easy cakes to make and very easy to polish off!
I can’t really give you an indication of the weight of the rice crispies or cornflakes, as you will need more rice crispies than cornflakes and they will make more cakes than when you use cornflakes, which need more chocolate to coat them. Â Strange but true. Â Just pour in as many as you think the chocolate mixture will coat easily and then add more if you think you can get away with it. Â You want a good coating on every grain or flake.
50g unsalted butter
100g good quality dark chocolate
4 tbsp golden syrup
Rice crispies or cornflakes (as many as you need)
Sugar coated chocolate eggs or other decoration (optional)
Melt the butter, syrup and chocolate over a very gentle heat until melted and smooth. Â Add the cereal and stir well and pour spoonfuls into cake cases. Decorate with the eggs or other decoration or leave them unadorned. Â Allow to set, if you can bear to, and then enjoy.
The Easter nests look lovely and remind me just how good they are. I used to make these with my two when they were younger, but even though they have grown up they still love them.
Thank you Margaret, I don’t think they are a cake you can ever grow out of. I know Mr OC’s face always brightens when he sees that we have made some!
Very cute for Easter. Hope some made it to school . : )
Thank you Michele, and yes some did manage to make it to school this morning, but I have a feeling I will be making more later to save any disappointment at home-time!
It’s years since I’ve had one of these; I want one!
I like the addition of the mini egg on top.
Oh VegBoxBoy, it should never be years between eating these – make some as soon as you possibly can. I am afraid I am a bit of a Mini Egg fiend, I can’t get enough of the little blighters.
Looks like the perfect edible decoration to have around on Easter sunday. Great idea!
Thank you, there are indeed very edible!
I so agree they do look like perfect edible Easter decorations.
I wish I had one of my nephews or nieces near by, I would make some this weekend. If i made them on my own, the trouble would be just me and my husband gorging on them and that is not good.
Oh Mangocheeks, I admire your restraint. I have no such thing I am afraid, although I blame the children!
Afraid it’s been years for me too – will have to remedy this situation. It does bring back happy days of childhood parties. I also used to make these as cornflake Easter nests with little eggs inside to decorate my mother’s simnel cake – oh happy days! Hope some of these made it to the Easter Fayre.
What a lucky mum, that sounds like a very good cake indeed!
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