Chocolate tiffin or refrigerator cake

This is another of those recipes with a variety of names, some call it tiffin, others refrigerator cake, others still a no-cook chocolate cake. I am sure there are other names for it too.  This is my version and although there are a list of ingredients below it really is one that you can play around with and add whatever is your favourite fruit and nut combination or add whatever you have in the cupboard. This week I had a packet of vacuum packed roasted chestnuts, some dried cranberries, dried blueberries and macadamia nuts in my cupboard.  I used milk chocolate Hobnobs because they were the only biscuits I had in the house, but you could use digestives or Rich Tea or any other biscuit you have in the tin.

This is rich and decadent but delicious and a real treat with a good coffee and five minutes peace and quiet, although the latter is highly unlikely in this house.

150g best quality dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids)
50g butter
4 tbsp golden syrup
50g dried cranberries
50g macadamias
50g pecan nuts, chunkily chopped
25g dried blueberries
80g Hobnobs (or any other biscuit you may have in the tin) broken into chunks
60g roasted chestnuts


Place the chocolate, butter and syrup in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of barely simmering water until they have all melted.  Stir to combine.

Add all the other ingredients and stir to combine.

Line a loaf tin (mine measures 20cm length x 12cm width x 6.5cm depth) with clingfilm, with plenty to overhang the sides. Pour the chocolate mixture into the tin and smooth the top.  Place in the fridge for a few hours until set.  Remove from the tin and peel off the clingfilm. Cut into slices and serve with a lovely cup of coffee and put your feet up and enjoy.

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6 thoughts on “Chocolate tiffin or refrigerator cake”

    1. Hi Margaret, thank you for the kind comments. I like to make it with the girls as it is easy to do and can be adapted to whatever we happen to have in the cupboard. They love making and eating it!

  1. That is strange – as you say great minds! Like that you have given lots of info on yours about the names and adaptability. In the past have always used syrup – like your recipe, but thought I’d try something different this time – no syrup and cream instead. It worked really well.

  2. This is a very very nice way to use the chestnuts. My mum used to make something rather like this when we were little, I think we called it fridge cake, I must ask her.
    I want to make this and then have someone round for tea just so I can offer them a tiffin ‘would you like a tiffin with youf tea’

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