Sprouts, chorizo and chestnuts

I love sprouts.  We had roast chicken last night and I was wondering how to dress my sprouts up.  I found some chorizo and I knew I had some vacuum packed chestnuts in the cupboard and so this dish came into being. It was very nice; the savoury tang of the sprouts combined with the salty tang of the chorizo and the sweetness of the chestnuts was just right. We will definitely be having this one again.

It’s hard to give quantities for this recipe, I used as much as we were likely to want to eat of each item.

chorizo, diced
vacuum packed peeled chestnuts, roughly chopped


Peel the top layer off each sprout and slice off the very bottom.  I don’t feel the need to put a cross in the bottom of the sprouts as life is too short and they cook just as well without it.  Put the sprouts in a pan and put in enough water to just cover them.  Bring them to the boil and simmer for about 7-8 mins until tender (or you could steam them until tender).  Drain the sprouts and leave to one side.  Fry the chorizo in a large pan for a few minutes over a medium heat until it begins to leech its golden oil.  Add the sprouts and the chestnuts and cook for a few minutes more, stirring gently,  until everything is piping hot and covered in the chorizo oil.  Serve immediately as a side dish.

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4 thoughts on “Sprouts, chorizo and chestnuts”

  1. Now if there’s one thing I LOVE it’s chorizo! I’m not so keen on sprouts, but I think the chorizo would make up for that.

    I can imagine the saltiness of the chorizo really working with the sprouts – good combo there!

    1. Thanks Matt, it will definitely be a recipe that I will be repeating, probably until my husband tells me he has definitely had enough!

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