Plenty of baking going on
It has been a busy week. My youngest daughter turned 4, much to her chagrin, as she would like to stay 3 if that’s alright with everyone else. I have been baking away getting ready for her family party. The lucky thing had two parties, one at the soft play centre with her friends and one at home for grandparents, aunts and cousins.
I made a cake, a train covered with pink marzipan, but my novelty cake making skills aren’t up to much so I won’t embarrass myself by putting up a picture of it. Suffice it to say it wouldn’t have got far down the track had it needed to! My first attempt at a novelty cake was a number 1 for my eldest’s first birthday, I was asked if it was a truck or a hammer. How badly can you do a number 1? Well, pretty badly it seems.
I made lots of things for the party, most of which have been posted before such as Aga baked ham, sausage and sage pie and crispie cakes.
I fetched the medlars out of the garage yesterday and most have now bletted so I hope to make jelly and fudge in the next day or so. Wish me luck. I will report back with the results.
Plenty of baking going on Read More »