Almond fingers

Almond fingers

These little bars of deliciousness are, like the Norfolk Scone, inspired by Jennie Reekie’s Cakes, Pastries and Bread book. I have altered her recipe though replacing half the flour with ground almonds to make them more almondy, taken out Jennie’s cinnamon addition and changing the method, so they really are only a doff of the hat to Jennie. Mine are more macaroon to Jennie’s shortbread. In fact, if you pinned me down to describing them I would say that they are a hybrid macaroon/shortbread. A bit like the Norfolk Scone being a hybrid scone/eccles cake. There seems to be a pattern forming here…

They are quick to make and very, very tempting.

100g butter
50g caster sugar
75g plain flour
75g ground almonds
1 egg, beaten, for glazing
25g flaked almonds
1 tablespoon granulated sugar


Line a 20cm square tin with baking paper and preheat the oven to 180°c, gas mark 4 or use the middle shelf of the Aga baking oven.

I use a food processor and whizz the butter, caster sugar, flour and almonds until the mixture begins to form a ball.

If you don’t have a processor then rub the butter into the flour, almonds and sugar. You will start with a breadcrumb texture and then it should start to bind together to form a ball.

Press the mixture into a 20cm square tin using the palm of your hand to level the surface. Using a pastry brush, brush all over with the beaten egg. Prick all over with the tines of a fork and sprinkle over the almonds and granulated sugar.

Place in the preheated oven and bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Cut into fingers whilst still warm, lift the baking paper out of the tin and place onto a cooling tray.

Almond fingers

9 thoughts on “Almond fingers”

  1. Oh, I must tell you, though this is unrelated. As a former Aga owner, I’ve always since mourned not any longer being able to bake my Christmas cakes in the bottom of the Aga. I used to do it overnight. This year, I arranged to use a friend’s Aga to cook three, yes, three cakes. Guess what? After four hours, they were cinders. I know, I know, I should have done a trial baking…… 🙁 🙁

    1. Oh no!!! What a disaster. I cook mine overnight too, in my simmering oven. But I know that someone else’s simmering oven would be too hot. That can be the trouble with Agas, they are individual and take a bit of getting used to. Have you made another three yet in your own oven and were they a success?

      1. Ooops. I did reply. It seems to have got lost in cyberspace. The replacement, conventionally cooked cake is just fine. Only one though. The rest will not happen this year. Good cakes are soooo expensive

  2. Pingback: Divvy Up Wednesday 13th May 2015 - Cakery Cookery

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