Pickled peaches

My mum and dad have a peach tree in their garden and because we live in Shropshire and not Spain they are much smaller than the peaches that you buy.  You have to pick them before the grey squirrels find them and then leave them to ripen in the fruit bowl.  This year there has been plenty on the tree and I commandeered them to try out this way of preserving them for the winter months.

They were fiddly little blighters to peel, but they are very lovely with their pink blushing cheeks.
 Once made you need to leave them for a month before eating to give the flavours a chance to mellow and pickle away. So I am looking forward to enjoying these with a slice of ham in October and I will definitely  be saving some for Christmas.

Makes 4-5 jars

1.5kg peaches
500ml white wine vinegar (or cider vinegar)
600g granulated sugar
25g root ginger (I used about 1 teaspoon from my jar of Lazy Ginger)
8 whole cloves
cinnamon stick
½ tsp coriander seeds
¼ tsp dried chilli flakes


Plunge the peaches into a large pan of boiling water for one minute, drain and then cover with cold water.  Peel the peaches and place in a bowl (I did this in the morning and then pickled the peaches in the afternoon and was surprised at how much blush coloured juice collected in the bowl.  Make sure you pour these juices into the vinegar with the peaches).

Pour the vinegar into a preserving pan, add the sugar, the ginger and the spices and stir over a gentle heat until the sugar has completely dissolved. Bring to the boil, add the peaches and any juice collected in the bowl and turn the heat down to simmer.  Simmer until the peaches are tender, which depending on the ripeness of the peaches will take anywhere from 3-8 minutes.  Spoon the peaches into warm, sterile jars.  Return the syrup to the heat and bring to a boil and allow to boil for 5 minutes.  Carefully pour the syrup over the peaches to the top of the jars and seal with vinegar proof lids.  Leave for one month before trying.

14 thoughts on “Pickled peaches”

  1. Pickled peaches, err sounds a touch strange – but I’ll trust you on it. Indeed, I hope to return and copy this recipe in 2 – 3 years as I’ve just planted myself a peach tree. He’s only tiny (2 ft) at the minute but by then hopefully I’ll have enough to have a pickle.

    1. Hi Rach, I have been promised a delivery of Conference pears this week from a neighbour so I may make pickled pears too. I am assuming that you are still waiting for the arrival then. I imagine there is lots of sweeping and tidying going on in a bid to hurry things along. Somehow, in that last week or so your mind thinks that if the house is straight then baby will feel that they can now respectably make an appearance. I can’t believe that cooking almond cake didn’t have the same effect. Thinking of you x

  2. Oh, Kath—this sounds absolutely delicious—I’ve never pickled peaches, and the recipe sounds a little bit like “spiced peaches” that I’ve seen in older country cookbooks. Must try! Glad those grey squirrels didn’t win out nabbing all your fruit.

    1. I hope you do give them a try, I can’t wait to try mine. Those pesky little squirrels! I wouldn’t mind so much if it was a beautiful red squirrel, but the grey seems to be so naughty. We miss out on the hazelnuts every year and I suspect that they might be pinching an egg or two from the chicken coop too.

  3. A peach tree – wow, how exotic. How do they taste unpickled? Looking forward to hearing how you find the pickled ones in a month’s time – they certainly sound good.

    1. We pick them before the squirrels can and then leave to ripen in the bowl. They taste pretty good. They are only small so they are gone in a few bites but they are a treat to have in the garden. I can’t wait to try them either.

    1. Well, well, this proves I need to test my recipes after I blog about them! I have now added the amount of sugar needed – 600g of granulated. Thank you for noticing that. They wouldn’t be much good without the sugar. And yes, they were good. I recommend them. Best Kath.

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